Steven's Hospital Pictures


We can start with a few pictures I think. I will start off with his just being born images.

These are a couple of pictures of when he had just arrived, and was being cleaned up a bit.




Well if you think that is kinda gross.  You should have been there for the actual birth process, ewwww….




Isn’t he just the cutest?


Well anyways, lets move on a bit.  That night was pretty rough for my wife.  She was up a lot, and really did not sleep. 

I on the other hand was sound asleep in my uncomfortable rocking chair.  The next day however, many people came to visit, here are just a few of them. 

Well this first picture is close to the birth time, I wanted to throw it in so everyone can see what these fools looked like at four in the morning.



See, you had to see what my wife(Becky, right) and my Sister-In-Law(Left) looked like at 4am in the morning.  Not even Little Stevie is happy about it.


Anyways, Back to the baby….


The next two images are of my Father-In-Law and his Wife.




The next Two here are my Niece and my Nephew.  They look so cute.




The Next image is of my Mother.  Well, she looks happy.



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